Update in progress! There have been a lot of questions how to help people that live on and have their business on the Camino. So I decided to compile a list as those cases come to my attention. Choose your case and donate directly to it and if you know of another place that needs help, please contact me: https://egeria.house/contact/
Camino Associations and Charities
The following organisations maintain albergues on the Caminos and/or help albergues to stay afloat in this difficult times. To see what each one does additionally, click through to their website.
- APOC – American Pilgrims on the Camino – Website: https://americanpilgrims.org/ Donation Link (you need to be a member in order to donate): https://secure.americanpilgrims.org/np/clients/americanpilgrims/membershipJoin.jsp
- CCoP – Canadian Company of Pilgrims – Website: https://www.santiago.ca/ Donation Link: https://www.santiago.ca/donate/
- CSJ – Confraternity Saint James, London, UK – Website: https://www.csj.org.uk Donation link: https://www.csj.org.uk/donate/albergue-help/5/credit-card
- Peaceable Projects, Spain – Website: https://www.peaceableprojects.org/ Donation Link: https://www.peaceableprojects.org/waystohelp
Camino Francés
- Albergue Beilari – Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port (France) – Paypal Donation Email: joxelubera@hotmail.com
- Albergue Paroquial Zabaldika – Doesn’t need donations at the moment.
- Donativo Albergue Casa de las Sonrisas, Grañón Direct Paypal link https://www.paypal.me/lacasadelassonrisas GoFundMe Page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/ayuda-albergue-de-donativo-la-casa-de-las-sonrisas
- Refugio Acacio & Orietta, Viloria de Rioja – GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/camino-de-santiago-un-refugio-de-puertas-fechadas
- Casa Las Almas, Espinosa del Camino – You can buy a voucher for future stays here: https://las-almas.es/english/reservation/voucher
- Albergue Emaús, Burgos – GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/Albergue-de-Peregrinos-Emaus
- Albergue San Bruno, Morationos – PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/BBERNONI GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/cammino-di-santiago-nel-cuore
- Pilgrim Guest House Stoneboat, Rabanal – PayPal link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/thestoneboat
- Pilgrim Guesthouse La Rosa del Agua, El Acebo -GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/la-rosa-del-agua-pilgrims-serving-pilgrims
- Casa Susi, Trabadelo – PayPal link: https://paypal.me/casasusi
Via de la Plata & Camino Mozárabe
- Albergue Convento de las Comendadoras de Santiago, Granada – GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/caminamos-junto-a-comendadoras
- Albergue Vincent Van Gogh, Zafra – GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/sos-para-el-albergue-de-zafra-vicent-van-gogh
- Donativo Albergue Fuenterroble de Salvatierra – GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/ayuda-al-albergue-del-padre-blas
Camino del Norte
Donativo Albergue “Tu Casa” – Vega de Ribadesella – PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/TuCasaVega
Camino Primitivo
- Donativo Albergue Posada de Peregrinos Fontenonaya – GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/ayuda-para-mantener-albergue-en-camino-de-santiago
- Albergue de Bodenaya – GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/26capng5tc
- Albergue San Pedro Romean – GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/santiago-way-help-to-maintain-the-primitive-way
- Donativo Albergue Fontenonaya, Porciles – GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/ayuda-para-mantener-albergue-en-camino-de-santiago
Camino Portugues
- Albergue Ideas Peregrinas, Tui – GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/albergue-contine-en-el-Camino-de-Santiago
Santiago de Compostela & Miscellaneous
- Michael Matynka from Wise Pilgrim Guides and Maps – https://www.gofundme.com/f/wise-pilgrim-support or you can simply buy something from his website https://wisepilgrim.com/ to support him.
- Pilgrim House, Santiago de Compostela – PayPal email: pilgrimhousesantiago@gmail.com Website: https://pilgrimhousesantiago.com/
- Little Fox House, near Muxia – Donation page: http://www.thelittlefoxhouse.com/donate
- Egeria House, Santiago de Compostela – That would be me 😉 To read about what I did and what I still do, have a look here: https://egeria.house/egeria-house-version-3-or-so/

we have received your letter with the badge of the 2020 Camino. We still want to thank all those who participated in the donations for supporting our effort to keep the San Bruno open. The situation is not easy but we are optimistic and we know we have your support. Thanks thanks thanks! We hope to see you soon.
Anna e Bruno
hi Sybille, thanks a lot for your availibility to help us. God bless
You are very welcome! I enjoyed my stay with you in 2014 😉
Hi Sybille, Any albergue on the VdlP or Madrid we can support, please?
Regards from Australia
Not at the moment, the only one that comes immediately to my mind would be Padre Blas’ albergue in Fuenterobles de Salvatierra on the Plata. Not sure how they are doing financially, but I know he is housing some stranded people there. Here is their website: https://alberguedefuenterroble.wordpress.com/
Drop him a note and ask him?
Albergue Santa Cruz, Sahagun. Still needs a little more for their plumbing works, necessary work even before Covid. Spoke with Padre Daniel yesterday, works underway as far as possible given restrictions.
Tell them to send me a paragraph of text and a photo or two and I’ll put them on the list 😉
Hi Sybille, I just cam across this from Albergue Maralotx and wonder if you could add them https://www.alberguecirauqui.com/help-us-stay-here-for-you
Hi Mark,
Please tell them to get in contact with me via email sy@sybilleyates.com and to send me a paragraph and one or two photos and I will add them.
Thank you for doing this. Much appreciated! God bless and stay safe. Colette
You too!