April Accountability

Sorry, a few days late, but here are the numbers for March (donations) and April (costs):


Donations leftover from the previous month: 342,53 Euros

Donations received in March: 407,73 Euros

Costs of buying and distributing things for and via my neighbourhood pantry and fledgling solidarity garden in April 2022: 579,46 Euros

Carry over to May: 170,80 Euros

Link to receipts:

(This is a ZIP folder, I am on a Mac and take cybersecurity seriously, but please, still scan it before unzipping, it’s just good practice 😉

Fully stocked pantry this Monday, the ‘temperature sensitive’ things are upstairs in my fridge and freezer.

Apart of a short mention on a forum and this blog https://egeria.house/moving-easter-cheer-and-updates/ that I wanted to provide a little extra ‘Easter Cheer’ for my neighbours I didn’t do any fundraising in March as I had enough to stock up the pantry 😉 I received a few dedicated donations to that so that there was plenty of chocolate for both adults and kids for Easter. Plus a fluffy soft toy for the little girl born in January! Thank you all so much for that!

So if you want to donate to something specifically, just put a note against it or contact me if you have any special question/idea.

The receipts for April are now all ‘neighbourhood pantry’ only. The little I need for myself I can go easily shopping on foot for myself. So, less confusion for everybody and more exercise for me!

And yes, there is still a tiny bit of overlap between the pantry and my own supplies. If I forgot to buy tomato sauce for myself, I grab one from the pantry shelves, if my neighbours run out of toilet paper on a Sunday afternoon, I split what I have in the ‘penthouse’ with them. There will be always this kind of overlap, but I keep it to the bare minimum and make sure it balances out both ways. Like I said before, for me it’s not about charity but about sharing what I have and what I can fundraise for with your help.

The ’emergency fund’ of just over 300 Euros (should I need it aka if things are really going haywire/south here in Europe) is still intact, lets pray for peace and less raise in prices (worldwide!).

Two more updates:

The original tenants https://www.facebook.com/CaminoCompanions/ of the ‘balcony flat’ are back and, in exchange for one of the neighboours exchanging also their gas bottle will contribute, in kind, to the pantry. Thank you for coffee, sisters!

Garden/Allotment – OOPS! Between moving, having a few not so great days (including a minor accident) and meeting up with pilgrim friends both old and new, I have done very little in the garden lately. Tomorrow two dear friends will be visiting both the pantry and the allotment and I will see how bad the (weed) damage is …

If you want to contribute to what I do, two very important points first:

  • Please don’t give more than you can easily afford.
  • Please don’t give any amount that you wanted already to give to another project.

Said all this, I could never have done all this without the help of all of you scattered around the whole world. So a huge MUCHAS GRACIAS to all of you!

And a last, once again, a big Mea Culpa, I know I am horribly bad in keeping up with my email inbox, so if I haven’t acknowledged your donation, please drop me a note in the comments here and I will get to it ASAP.

Also, if you have any questions and/or need clarification about anything, just do the same.

Plus, if you are in Santiago, I am always happy to show people the pantry and allotment (if you like weeding, even the better 😉 – just kidding! All with no strings attached!

Big abrazos (hugs) from Santiago, SY

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