Adios Allotment and Accountability

Just to mix up things a bit, first a few updates of what has going on lately in my life and then the numbers.

Adios Allotment

Sadly, I lost the allotment. I am still very furious about how I and two of my friends here (Tim and Maggie) have been taken for a ride, so I try to keep this story short and as neutral as possible. Basically the people who hold the paperwork for the allotment (I only had a verbal agreement with them) waited until most of the clearing work (lots of brambles!) was done and then gave it to somebody else, destroying at least 50% of what I had planted already in the process. I am still too furious to write a blog post about this but the good news is that I might have a new allotment soon, I will keep you posted.

May/June Accountability

Once again many days late, but here are the numbers for May (donations) and June (costs) of running my little neighbourhood pantry:

Donations leftover from the previous month: – 128,09 Euros

Donations received in May: 983,57 Euros

Costs of buying supplies (food, basic cleaning supplies plus a bottle of gas to cook the food for one of the families) for the neighbourhood pantry June 2022: 659,73 Euros

Carry over to July: 195,75 Euros

That is how the shelves typically look on a Monday (photo taken this week), by the weekend they are nearly empty. Sorry once again for the bad image quality!

Link to receipts: (This is a ZIP folder, I am on a Mac and take cybersecurity seriously, but please, still scan it before unzipping, it’s just good practice 😉

The biggest donation came in via a pilgrim that did a ‘fundraising pilgrimage’ for three good causes here in Santiago, my pantry being one of them.

Also, I had now quite a few pilgrims and/or friends visiting my little pantry and bringing in kind donations. I am always happy to show any- and everybody my little set-up, chat about my neighbours and perhaps you will even meet them. Just contact me a bit beforehand to make sure I am at home.

Too hot to type more, as we are experience a heatwave here in Spain, currently 34C in my flat, but a little advance warning: I will run another Facebook fundraiser this coming weekend to keep the shelves stocked and to provide a bit of extra cheer aka Tartas de Santiago etc for my neighbours. This is an ongoing need.

As always, if you have any questions/comments, please leave them here on the blog!

I am also awaiting the delivery of another shelf (for clothing, shoes and other small, useful items) to be put up on the ground floor. I solemnly promised my landlord it will be the last one 😉

Big abrazos (hugs) from Santiago and stay safe and cool wherever you are, SY

2 thoughts on “Adios Allotment and Accountability”

  1. Thank you for your update Sybille
    It is always nice to receive this email and news of the wonderful work you do.
    Such a pity to hear about the allotment – was looking forward to up-to-date photos of flourishing veg.
    Please take care and I hope you are managing under the extreme heat and weather conditions .
    Unfortunately, it seems I will not be travelling again this year due to a small health issue. Hopeful of better news in a couple of weeks.
    Blessings to you,
    James (not the Saint!)

    1. Hi James, your comment got buried, sorry about that. Good news I have a new plot, updates will be posted soon and thank you for your support! And hugs and prayers for your speedy recovery! SY

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