
2023 Summary

In 2023 I was able spend, thanks to many generous donations, 6086,49 Euros. This is what I spend on groceries and the weekly fruit&vegetable basket, it doesn’t include things that “jumped” first in my own shopping basket and then on the pantry shelves 😉 So the total amount what it cost to run my little neighbourhood pantry in 2023 was somewhat higher.


As you can see from the numbers in 2024 it has been very difficult to keep the pantry shelves stocked, if you want to help, handy donation buttons in the top right corner 😉

Every beginning of the month I will publish here how the received donations of the previous month for the neighbourhood pantry have been spend. If somebody wants to see the receipts (in Spanish) please contact me and I am happy to send the PDFs to you!

So far I have run only one GoFundMe fundraiser in 2024 ( which resulted in a total donation of 150 Euros (minus the cut that GoFundMe takes). The rest of the running costs was partly covered by a few direct donations.

January 2024

  • 08.01 Groceries 168,24 Euros
  • 08.01 Fruit and vegetables box 9,50 Euros
  • 12.01 Water filter 51,65 Euros
  • 15.01 Fruit, vegetables and eggs box 16,98 Euros
  • 16.01 Groceries 141,86 Euros
  • 29.01 Groceries 132,57 Euros
  • 30.01 Fruit, vegetables and eggs box 12,50 Euros

Total: 533,33 Euros


There is a gap of one week regarding groceries, caused by me being ill.

Water Filter – In December 2023 I ran a dedicated fundraiser on Gofundme for this which resulted in 160 Euros raised, so there is money left to buy and install more filters. There will be soon a blog post linked here about how that worked out.

February 2024

  • 04.02 Groceries 125,01 Euros
  • 05.02 Fruit&vegetable box 9,50 Euros
  • 21.02 Fruit&vegetable box 10,36 Euros
  • 26.02 Fruit&vegetable box 9,50 Euros
  • 26.02 Groceries 136,89 Euros

Total: 291,26 Euros

March 2024

  • 12.03 Fruit&Vegetable box 10,98 Euros

April 2024

  • 09.04 Groceries 114,24 Euros
  • 09.04 Fruit&vegetable box 11,19 Euros, after that the NGO offered kindly to deliver a weekly fruit and vegetable box for free to the pantry which continues to be a big help.
  • 22.04 Groceries 112,48 Euros

Total: 237,91 Euros

May 2024

The NGO Apotheca continued to deliver a weekly fruit&vegetable box for the pantry and, when I was ill, directly to my neighbours. Other than that I could only put up those groceries on the shelves that “jumped” in my own shopping basket, sorry, no separate receipts for that … But I have been blessed by a lot of in kind donations (Clothing, shoes etc.) that also filled the shelves.