Please don’t pity me …

First and most importantly, this is not a ‘please some pity for poor Sybille post’, instead read it as a post on how to get the help you need. If pandemic brain fog and similar doesn’t allow you to read it to the end, here are some starting points to get help:

  • Speak to your GP/primary healthcare provider.
  • If you don’t even know who that is: google ‘mental health + the area / country you’re living in’
  • Contact, it’s free! : and / or and they will help you AND point you in the right direction to get even more help!

OK, now for the long story:

20+ years ago I was diagnosed with clinical / chronic depression. And I managed just fine. With a daily routine and, yes, the occasional really long walk. Then Covid hit …

The pandemic really did me in:

I never got sick.

I never got Covid.

I always was ever so careful not to run any risk at all to transmit it to others.


Whilst I did the right thing to keep everybody safe, I myself went down. I ended up in social isolation.

And I didn’t even realise how poorly I was, until I got into treatment. I am better now, better, but not fine. And tomorrow I will have another appointment with my GP, called Dr. Camino (no joke!, real name!) and together we will get there.

Most of my days I feel overwhelmed by such simple tasks as answering an email.

ALL of my days I appreciate my friends that are sticking to me and don’t let me go.

What keeps me going:

Helping others.

Growing plants.

Just breathing …

I didn’t write this blog post to get any pity, I wrote it to tell that one person that needs to hear this:

“You are not alone! There is help available! The only thing you need to do is say: “Help!”

Hugs from Santiago!


PS That email or comment you sent to me will still take some time to be answered …

16 thoughts on “Please don’t pity me …”

    1. Thank you so much, Kathy! BTW, I clicked on the link to your website and it showed as expired, you might want to check on that!

  1. Dear Sybille,
    Sending you a big hug from Calgary, Canada where we continue to battle Covid.
    Thank you for the amazing work you have offered Pilgrims and your Fellow Santiagans(?).
    You have inspired us to be kind and think of ways to help our neighbours. All such important work in these trying times.
    Take very good care of yourself. Enjoy the sun and your plants.
    Carol and Denis

    1. Sorry for the oh so late reply! I am slowly getting back to things! Santiaguinos (m) Santiaguinos (f) 😉 So, so happy to hear that I have inspired you to help your own neighbours! That really made my day! Hugs from Santiago, SY

    1. It really is amazing how many people contacted me privately about depression and other mental health issues which should be NEVER a taboo but spoken openly about. I am doing much better these days. Hugs from Santiago, SY

  2. Sy I was thinking of you last week when the FICS association (Rebekah Scott) surprised me with a token payment for being Hodpitalera at Grado on the Primitivo. Could we meet when I get to Santiago? I’d like to support your feeding plan. Thanks, sandi from Vancouver Canada.

    1. Sorry for the very late approval and reply, we both now that your kind donation has arrived and has been translated in a LOT of fresh food and vegetable boxes 😉 Hugs from Santiago, SY

  3. You have been a beacon of light through this past 18+ months. You are always highlighting the needy and encouraging the right thing to do. Thinking of you and please be kind to yourself Sybille…
    Thanks for your bravery and I pray many will heed your advice. It is hard to take that first step to say ‘help’. But once said a burden begins to lift
    God bless

  4. You are in my thoughts and prayers friend. Not pity, but everyone can use a prayer.

  5. Sending Love and prayers from England, Sybille

    (No reply necessary)

    Beryl & Phil

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