A short blog post to help to get the word out about https://wewalkforyou2020.org Here their project in a nutshell:
Three veteran pilgrims will walk the Camino Francés starting mid-August 2020. Two of them will walk the actual Camino and one of them will accompany the others on a virtual Camino.
They will carry with them the thoughts, prayers, hopes, and intention of other pilgrims and will pray for them daily.
If you want to have your intentions included, no matter what you believe or what faith you follow, or none, the pilgrims will carry your messages, prayers and hopes every step of the way to Santiago and they will be prayed for at Mass every day.
The only thing you need to do is sending them to: wewalkforyou2020@gmail.com
And if you subscribe to their blog: https://wewalkforyou2020.org you can read live updates about the current situation here on the Camino in Spain.

Thank you, Sybille,
It is wonderful that there will be pilgrims on the Camino Francés. It is a kind and meaningful action on behalf of all of us.
We trust that you are well. Are you managing alright in these unusual times? We so enjoy receiving your emails from Egeria House and wish you many blessings in the coming days.
Buen Camino,
Carol and Denis
Hi Carol and Denis, sorry your comment got buried in a lot of spam comments and I only ‘fished’ it out today! I am doing ok here, just wrote another blog posts with updates. Struggling with the whole social distancing business, but who isn’t? Keep well and keep in touch.
Thanks for letting us know about this! I hope you are doing well. You’ll be getting my Sunday contributions to Facebook in a few weeks, and I really look forward to seeing you next year!
Fr. Steve
Hi Fr. Steve,
sorry your comment also got buried in a lot of spam comments and I only ‘fished’ it out today! Hope to see you too next year!